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June 24, 2020

Modern Slavery: Slave contracts, human and labour rights

Slavery is not a thing of the past. The modern form of slavery is exemplified in the contractual drafting practices and particularly observable in the entertainment industry, among others. Read this article to challenge some current legal procedures and reflect on the expanding definition of slavery.
June 1, 2020

Long Read: How do we protect our prisoners?

This Long Read is a legal overview of the issues surrounding the treatment of prisoners. Generally, the concept of human rights is used as blanket protection, which, in reality, may conceal the mistreatment of prisoners. This article provides readers with alternative perspectives heavily backed by data to compare it with the traditional interpretation of the issue.
April 27, 2020

The Many Roles of Journalists

This short read serves as a reminder of the many roles that journalists play in today's society. Introducing practical examples, this article tries to shed light on the indispensability of journalists without the resort to journalistic ethics.