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social media

January 23, 2025

The State v. The Corporation (2025): TikTok and the USA in the Era of ‘Big Tech’

In this article Luca Povoas considers how the role of corporations globally has shifted in the 'Big Tech' era across the globe and explains the important role that TikTok may play in the future.
June 26, 2020

Interview with Hannah Foley of Kissoon Carr

Beth Zheng interviews Hannah Foley, the Head of Corporate & Projects Recruitment and Branding & Social Media at Kissoon Carr. Hannah gives an insight into how students and solicitors alike can utilise LinkedIn to strengthen their connections.
March 6, 2020

Facebook’s ‘No Fact-Checking’ Policy in Political Advertising

The increasing importance of digital platforms in political participation raises the question of the rules on such advertising online. Facebook continues to highlight its unwillingness to fact-check political campaigns that take place on the platform. What are the risks of allowing this trend?
December 30, 2019

Taming the Social Media Giants: How far should the state go in regulating online content?

The law, history teaches us, lags inevitably behind technological change. In respect of no development is this more true than the ‘Information Revolution,’ those sweeping and […]