Nana Akua Boamah Osei, Wanjiru Chigiti, Maddy Preedy and Aqua Koroma provide a round-up of issues and debates we must all be aware of in the upcoming weeks.
Avishai Marcus, Advaita Kapoor, Olivia Mathieson, Markus Person and Wanjiru Chigiti provide a round-up of issues and debates we must all be aware of in the upcoming weeks.
Rethinking Investor-State Dispute Settlement Through The Investment Agreements Lens What is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)? The ISDS clause affects investment and trade agreements and refers […]
QUANTITATIVE FUNDS What Are They? According to the Corporate Finance Institute, a quantitative or quant fund is ‘an investment fund that uses mathematical and statistical techniques […]
RWANDA POLICY: THE GOVERNMENT’S LEGAL NIGHTMARE The Case In recent weeks, the government has come under attack for their controversial policy regarding the migrant crisis. In […]