As companies are starting to feel the financial strain of the coronavirus crisis, large airlines have quickly resorted to staff dismissals. This article outlines the legal and ethical challenges to the trend.
Dilara Devin explores how Browne Jacobson LLP and the University of Nottingham have collaborated to find out what makes a policy document more comprehensible and share […]
Jamie Howarth, Gina Asadi, Jamie Adair, and Sofiya Stanchakprovide a round-up of the stories that a budding Student Lawyer should be aware of this week.
Jamie Howarth, Gina Asadi, Zyeraph Bucalan, and Sofiya Stanchakprovide a round-up of the stories that a budding Student Lawyer should be aware of this week.
This short read serves as a reminder of the many roles that journalists play in today's society. Introducing practical examples, this article tries to shed light on the indispensability of journalists without the resort to journalistic ethics.
Tofunmi Oluwatobello, Beth Zheng, Francis Louis, and Jamie Howarth provide a round-up of the stories that a budding Student Lawyer should be aware of this week.
Tofunmi Oluwatobello, Beth Zheng, Francis Louis, and Jamie Howarth provide a round-up of the stories that a budding Student Lawyer should be aware of this week.