In this article, Sameer Chowdhry considers the recent deal between DWF and private equity firm Inflexion and the implications of law firms becoming publicly traded companies.
Laetitia Ponde Nkot explores in her article the O Shaped Lawyer initiative founded by Dan Kayne. The enterprise aims to improve the legal profession by focusing more on the human side.
Demi Akande in her article pays tribute to women who paved the way for women in the legal industry and examines the journey of two exemplary women who contributed to change in the field.
Trinity Batt explores how the legal industry have responded and adapted to the third national lockdown in the UK and the challenges that this has brought. […]
Laetitia Ponde Nkot gives an explanation of mergers within the legal industry, delving into their history and the ingredients necessary to create a successful merger. In […]