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Legal Industry Updates

November 2, 2024


In his article Vibhor Maloo explores the latest Indian Supreme Court ruling, which declares the electoral bonds as illegal according to the constitution, highlighting a landmark in Indian politics. This ruling brings to light important issues of financial transparency and the democratic spirit that the Indian constitution embodies.
October 27, 2024

The Decline of the UK’s Capital Markets

In this article Sameer Chowdhry analyses the reasoning for the UK capital markets and considers how the government may address the industry's challenges.
October 9, 2024

Knights’ Bold Moves and Strategic Growth in the Legal Sector

In her article, Laetitia Ponde Nkot explores Knights' acquisition of Thursfields Solicitors, a high-end, full-service law firm based in Kidderminster and Worcester. By strategically selecting firms that align with its values, Knights ensures smooth integration, retaining key talent and enhancing capabilities. This latest acquisition bolsters Knights' expertise in private wealth and supports its ambitious growth plans.
September 29, 2024

Thousands of Bolt Drivers Fight for Worker Status and Compensation Over Unpaid Holiday Pay and Wage Discrepancies

Olga Kyriakoudi in her article explores the legal battle of thousands of Bolt drivers to be recognised as workers rather than self-employed contractors. Represented by the law firm Leigh Day, over 12,500 drivers are seeking compensation for unpaid holiday pay and discrepancies in their wages, specifically shortfalls in the National Living Wage. This case highlights the ongoing struggle for gig economy workers to secure fair treatment and proper compensation for their labour.
September 14, 2024

Overcrowding in Prisons: A Growing Crisis

In her article, Sofia S. Gagliardi explores the issue of prison overcrowding. Following the racist riots Keir Starmer introduced new legislation aimed at temporarily alleviating the overcrowding crisis. Overcrowded prisons have profound implications for both the legal industry and society at large.
September 12, 2024

Reforming cohabitation laws: Resolution’s current campaign

In her article, Leanne Wylie explores cohabiting couples rights in England and Wales. Cohabitation has become more common in recent years, however, the legal framework in England and Wales has lagged behind. Family lawyers advocate for reforms to provide adequate protections for cohabiting couples.
September 8, 2024

Autonomous Vessels and Maritime Law: Bridging the Gap Between Innovation and Regulation

In her article, Divya T examines the influence of artificial intelligence within the maritime law sector, highlighting the multifaceted and essential role of maritime lawyers in adapting our legal and regulatory frameworks to keep up with the pace of innovation.
August 30, 2024

The UK Tax Gap: Understanding the Tax Collection

Divya T explores in his article the concept of 'Tax Gap', which refers to the difference between the amount that would normally be taxed and the amount that is actually paid to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and how lawyers play a critical role in closing the tax gap.
June 30, 2024

Navigating Conflicting Protected Characteristics in the Workplace: A Legal Analysis

Olga Kyriakoudi explores in her article the extent to which the 2023 Employment Tribunal ruling in the case brought by Denise Fahmy and the decision in Phoenyx against the Open University made in January 2024, achieve a proper balance in terms of safeguarding the conflicting rights of various protected characteristics.