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January 10, 2022The copyright rules are quite strict and perfectly secure the rights of the author. Any violation of these rules can lead to drastic outcomes, and hence it is better to avoid any sort of copyright negligence. The online world is quite vast and comprises a variety of content. Hence, people, especially beginners, try to copy the content of others to use it on their own website or social media account. It comes under copyright violation and generates strikes on the website. The original source strives hard to create the content with extreme efforts, and stealing and using it without permission gives pathetic outcomes.
Rights of Author against Plagiarist
An author consumes his energy and time to write the article. He tries his best to incorporate as much information into the content as he can. Such content gets popularized quite easily and develops the interest of the masses in it. What if other websites steal his content? Does all of his efforts go in vain, and the competitors can excel in such a manner without putting in any of their efforts? Isn’t it unfair for the one who consumed all his energy to write the content?
Surely it is unethical and criminal activity, and the author gets the entire right over his content. Hence, no one else is allowed to copy any single line of his content without his permission. The author gets the entire right for all of his content and easily sues the plagiarist for his wrongdoing. When the author checks for plagiarism, he comes to know the actual culprits who stole his content. The free plagiarism checker made it much easier to go through scanning of their content to catch the culprit red-handed. Hence, he can sue multiple thieves of his content quite smoothly.
Punishment for Copyright Violations
The punishment for copyright violation is quite strict. The reputation of the writer gets tarnished, and the trust of readers on such websites declines. The writers suffer from low credibility and become a mark of shame in society. If the content from another source is being added, you must give credit to the actual owner or source. When the author sues the plagiarist for stealing his content, he has ensured the complex legal proceedings. An online plagiarism checker is ample to define the crime of the culprit and strengthen the evidence. A plagiarism tool highlights the text that is copied within the least possible time. Copyright violations could lead to drastic punishments, and extremely destructive ones are:
- Imprisonment
- Destroyed Academic Reputation
- Monetary Repercussions
- Tarnished Student Reputation
- Destroyed Professional Reputation
Unintentional Versus Intentional Plagiarism
When the plagiarism test is applied to the content, it reflects the content’s status. The online plagiarism checker reveals the range of plagiarism that content has had. If the percentage of duplication in the content is minor, it indicates unintentional plagiarism. However, the high rate of duplication in the content clearly reflects intentional plagiarism. In such a kind of plagiarism, the culprit copies the content from another source and presents it as he creates it. Such kind of plagiarism is catastrophic for the future of students. Students must follow all the rules to write the content and consider the research in-depth. It helps in avoiding the issues of plagiarism. Unintentional plagiarism can give relaxation to the student up to some extent. When the content is identified with unintentional plagiarism, then the student gets a warning. Hence, he gets the time to focus on his content to avoid plagiarism next time. The sagacious way to deal with it is to submit the content only after going through the plagiarism test on it.
Intentional Plagiarism Leading to Suspension
Academic Integrity Committee
All educational institutes such as universities, colleges, and schools take plagiarism quite seriously. Indeed, they have strict policies against plagiarism. The academic integrity committees are developed in the educational institutes to combat the monster of plagiarism. They are held responsible for setting the examples through giving the punishment to the students who commit plagiarism in their assignment, thesis, or dissertation. This committee takes the plagiarism scenarios quite seriously and gives the verdict as per the crime nature.
Suspension of the Student
If any student is found guilty of such a crime, he must face the jury. The reputation of the student comes at stake due to such acts and can lead to suspension. There is zero tolerance in the academic sector for intentional plagiarism. It is quite important to hold such students accountable. Otherwise, they keep on committing such crimes and would learn no skills. They get suspended from educational institutions. After the suspension of the student, he is not allowed to enter the premises of the educational institute. He cannot pursue his studies for the predefined tenure specified by the jury.
Expulsion of the Student
If the student commits the same crime of plagiarism for his upcoming assignments, he has to face its consequences. It cannot be the same punishment again and again for a student for his unethical behavior. After the warning or suspension, there is no other chance for the plagiarist. Single plagiarism would then let him get expelled from the educational institute. He would be banned by the institute for his persistent violations and would no longer continue his studies. No other educational institute accommodates such students, and such culprits’ academic career falls quite drastically.
End Words!
The research scholars need to be quite cautious about their content. They must abide by the rules of academic writing and must use reference and in-text citation in their content. Similarly, the use of quotation marks is mandatory for quoting the words of others. These strategies are important to implement in academic writing to avoid the content being caught under plagiarism by the plagiarism checker.