The Future Lawyer Weekly Briefing- w/c 27th September
September 25, 2022
Basfar v Wong 2020/0155 [2022] UKSC 20
September 27, 2022Workplace accidents are more common than you imagine and can happen on the safest business premises. You may not be at risk of working from heights, operating dangerous equipment, or facing exposure to hazardous chemicals. But even a slip and fall incident can cause severe injuries. Fortunately, the law empowers employees to claim compensation for workplace injuries. But you need to follow a process to file a legitimate claim, and reporting the accident is one of the crucial elements. As a rule, you must ensure that the accident is properly recorded immediately after it occurs. Let us explain the significance of reporting the mishap.
Helps uncover potential risks
The practice of reporting injuries can help business owners identify potential risks and threats within the workplace. Most employers want to do their best for employee safety, but things can go wrong due to unintentional negligence. As a victim, you must bear the responsibility to notify your employer about even a minor incident or near-miss accident. You must absolutely do it even if you sustain no injuries. Once the safety issue is uncovered, ensure that the safety team works on them and addresses the problem. Not everyone is lucky enough to get through with minor injuries. Reporting accidents is like doing your bit to save the lives of your co-workers.
Acts as a valuable legal record
Filing a workplace accident claim entails a complex legal process, which may even end up in a courtroom. You can seek insights from a reliable Work Accident Advice Centre to understand the process. Besides getting an expert attorney on board, you must gather all the evidence from the spot. Photographs of the site, CCTV footage, and testimonials from other employees can be helpful to prove your claim. Likewise, you must have medical documents showing your diagnosis and treatment details. But an accident report is the most valuable piece of evidence as it records the details regarding the date, time, and possible reasons for the mishap. In fact, your lawyer can frame the entire case around these details, so you must not miss out on reporting. Moreover, it is often a part of the health and safety policy.
Raises safety awareness
An accident in the workplace is a lesson for employers and co-workers. Reporting the event and possible causes can go a long way in raising safety awareness in the company. If the owner is serious enough, they can even use the information to rework the safety practices and policies of the organization. Holding a safety briefing is a great idea to create awareness among employees and prevent a similar mishap in the future. Trained and educated workers are in a better place to handle risks and mishaps. Awareness also influences the company culture and creates a safe space for employees.
Although workplace mishaps are not always preventable, reporting them is a responsible approach. It helps the victim to claim compensation and guides the employer to improve the safety standards. Both should do their bit to make the workplace safe and healthy in the long run.