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July 26, 2022
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July 27, 2022Automobile accidents aren’t exactly something new to us. They’ve happened pretty much since the inception of cars on our roads. Heck, before that, there were still crashes that involved horses and buggies.
What has changed are the options we have for our own representation following an event like this. They’re scary and traumatic, to put it lightly. In serious cases, people lose their lives. If the other driver is under the influence of alcohol, as just one example, it can really put salt in the wound if we’ve lost a loved one or were injured ourselves.
The Statistics
It’s hardly a secret that a lot of accidents happen in Virginia, especially in the Virginia Beach area. You can see some of them right here for the year 2020. The numbers are harrowing and concerning, and we should be taking measures to lower them. However, I think it’s important to recognize that not all crashes have both people to blame.
In the case of irresponsible drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it does fall on their shoulders. Personal accountability should be held. That’s why I think getting legal representation is a valuable tool we can take advantage of.
Before I cover that too much, though, I’d like to turn your attention to what to do in the immediate aftermath of an event like this occurring.
What Can You Do?
This situation is scary for everyone involved. You’ll probably feel disoriented and unsure. However, if you can, there are a few important steps you should take to keep yourself anchored.
First, you’ll want to examine yourself. Determine if you’re injured, and if so, the extent to which you are hurt. Chances are, you probably won’t be unscathed. Just try to gauge how bad the damage is, though.
After that, turn your attention to your passengers if you have any. The front seat and the back seat are both important, particularly if you have children. See if they are conscious, and if so, have them check themselves over. They might be in a lot of pain or unable to ascertain on their own, so be ready to assist if you’re able.
Once you have checked in, if authorities have not already been contacted you should definitely do that. Call whatever your local emergency line is, though it will likely be 911. Unfortunately, the chances of having fatal accidents are rising in Virginia, as you can read here: https://wtop.com/virginia/2022/04/slow-down-buckle-up-virginia-hit-14-year-high-for-traffic-fatalities-in-2021/. Hopefully, you won’t be in a situation like that.
Now, you should remember to call the police even if the accident was a minor one like a fender bender. This is to make sure that a report is filed along with the necessary paperwork. It’s legally required in some states, even, so it’s a good idea to check in on those laws.
Waiting for help can be nerve-wracking, but it’s a reality you’ll have to face once authorities have been contacted. If you can exit the vehicle and the other driver can as well, consider exchanging your information. This includes any legal or insurance details that they should be aware of.
Getting Representation
Now that that is settled, you’re probably wondering what to do once you’re home safe. This is primarily applicable if you’ve been injured. If that is the case, you might want to consider hiring an auto accident lawyer in Virginia Beach to represent you in a legal case that ensues. Getting a consultation with a lawyer is generally simple, and something worthwhile.
They can help you to determine if you have a case. This might involve going over some of the documentation that you have of the incident. Ideally, you should take images of the damage done and provide information to the police as far as the official report goes. Hopefully, you can provide any names and witnesses that you acquired as well.
So, if you do find yourself in this situation, there are places for you to turn to. Dealing with it after can be hard enough without having to stress about repercussions or paying hospital bills. Consider bringing some much-needed solace to your life if it would help. Most importantly, stay safe on the roads!