Social media has had an interesting impact on divorce cases. Many people feel the need to express themselves online, on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, or others. Unfortunately, everything they state online can be used against them in divorce proceedings.
Before posting on social media, you should consult with a divorce attorney Orange County, as it can profoundly affect your case. Having proper legal advice by your side will protect you during the divorce.
A divorce lawyer can answer questions such as how your past, current, and future social media posts affect your divorce procedure, how you can avoid social media mistakes and protect yourself, and how to avoid other issues during the divorce process.
Ways in Which Social Media Affects Your Divorce
Much valuable information on your social media accounts can be admissible in courts and considered by family court judges. Some social media mistakes may seem obvious, but others are far more subtle, and divorce lawyers can spot them immediately.
For example, a spouse pleading poverty may post pictures online of how they are visiting a lot of expensive places or have a new expensive car. This will raise questions about one’s hidden accounts, which might lead to a more favorable divorce settlement for the other party.
A mother might repeatedly post negative comments about the father, which can be used to support a dad’s allegations that the mother wishes to alienate the children.
A spouse may also claim disability to gain a larger spousal support amount. If they post pictures online while practicing sports, such as water skiing, it may indicate that no real medical issue exists.
In many cases, social media can be used against a spouse to prove they aren’t fit for parenting. A mother might post various partying pictures, or that of a child near beer bottles, and many other similar examples.
Even posts showcasing that a spouse has recently engaged in a new relationship can negatively impact their divorce case procedures.
Tips to Avoid Social Media Mistakes in Divorce Proceedings
There are many ways in which social media can impact your divorce case, as showcased above. Some may believe that if they stop public postings and make their information private, it will be more than enough to avoid issues in their divorce proceedings.
However, a judge may order opposing parties to turn over their social media logins and passwords. Your ex may also have access to your info, further complicating your case. Here are some tips to avoid social media mistakes:
- Block your ex and mutual friends likely to take your ex’s side.
- Change your social media passwords to minimalize the risk of your ex accessing your data without permission.
- Do not post anything about your divorce online or insult your ex online. Be civil.
- Make your posts and information private and out of the public eye.
- The opposing counsel might track your movements; thus, you may want to turn off geotags and check-ins.
- Private messages aren’t the best solution if you are still married and want to flirt. Avoid private messages that can compromise you in any way. Only use private messages if the content can’t be used against you in any way if it goes public.
- Anything online that makes you look bad should be deleted. The opposing party may try to recover it, but you can make it harder for them.
- Talk with a divorce lawyer, and inform them if something on your ex’s social media profiles turns up anything important.