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November 15, 2021
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November 15, 2021Technology is revolutionizing our world rapidly. Whether it is about artificial intelligence or other technological tools, things are swiftly moving to more advanced and data-driven options and it permeates the legal framework too. In these dynamic developments, it is hard to miss out on the possibility that technological advances may soon be wiping out the old ways of legal service provision.
It is quite predictable that in the near future, technology would have taken over the legal framework and legal tasks can be conveniently automated. The technological aspects in legal set-ups include streamlined communication, scanning documents, smart contracts, and e-billing. Various companies show a promise for bringing technological change in the legal service provision, including Nolo, Rocket Lawyer, eForms, LawDepot, and others. These service providers usually have a document library that is maintained online and offer online consultation as well.
Therefore, the legal work process becomes quite simplistic and convenient for a common user. There are also services that handle custom forms or applications and sophisticated algorithms that manage complicated tasks that remove the need for the presence of an actual legal professional. If you are still not convinced, below are 4 different ways that indicate that technology is taking over the legal service sector.
1. Smaller Firms Are Also In Competition
The technological advances make it possible for the small firms to get in competition with the larger ones and it is primarily because of digitization. These days, there are various tools, like practice management systems, quite simplistic online payment applications, and even virtual or online receptionist services that make things easier for the smaller law firms to operate. Understandably the smaller firms do not have the set up to cater to the big legal needs as the big firms but with the online tools and applications, they can compensate for the missing resources in their firm without breaking the budget. It may not seem much to a general user but for a legal firm or practicing lawyers, these small services can make a huge difference in saving time, optimizing efficiency, and adding to client satisfaction.
2. Work Has Never Been So Flexible
Technology is shaking things up more than anyone ever anticipated and the work dynamics are no different. Nowadays, if you are a practicing lawyer, legal secretary, attorney, barrister, or paralegal, you do not have to stay glued to a chair in your office cubicle for an entire day just to complete tedious paperwork, keeping books, or skimming through legal proceedings. It is astonishing to find out that these days, even willmaker legal services can be easily sought online. Many of the professionals, i.e. willmakers, that list out these service providers recommend selecting the reliable ones only. In this era of fast-paced technology, there is integrated software and online process servers that allows legal firms to continue operating in an efficient corporate manner. It’s no different than any other business and it miraculously cuts down on the unnecessary costs.
3. Technology Has Simplified Decision Making
With artificial intelligence at our disposal, legal matters have become all the more straightforward. Although there are things in legal proceedings that must be tackled in person and require quite a deliberation on part of the legal service provider. However, artificial intelligence comes in handy in resolving minor cases, like those involving parking tickets. One of the problems with artificial intelligence is its use of sophisticated and complex algorithms to help with decision making but it poses a certain risk to data protection. Therefore, if a legal firm is to use artificial intelligence or advanced technological services, they should stay updated with the future technological advances and how to keep both their and client data secure at all times.
4. Is Technology Affecting How Law is Taught?
The answer to this question is yes, as it is also affecting the legal degree programs and they are also considering bringing change in the manner that they are teaching or practicing as lawyers. One of the reasons for this inclination towards bringing the change even in the education sector is that Universities and educational institutions are now recognizing the widespread impact and role that artificial intelligence and advanced technology are playing in our everyday lives. Whether it is the daily work life and mundane tasks or complex decision-making processes, artificial intelligence can be found everywhere these days.
Legal firms are now looking for candidates with other credentials and competencies as well, in addition to the regular legal credentials. This is because they need the potential candidates to be able to keep up with the technological revolution and be able to contribute in that aspect. Law schools are launching integrated and multidisciplinary programs that combine knowledge acquisition from various sources and help in building the competencies of the new generation of lawyers. These projects often involve artificial intelligence and its unique role and present or future development in the legal sector.
If you have ever heard of ‘intelligent justice,’ you may have wondered what the term really means because it is quite new to the legal dictionary. This concept has been recently introduced to indicate the merger of law programs and artificial intelligence programs. Lawyers who study ‘intelligent justice’ can conveniently develop different skills and design or come up with intuitive and advanced artificial intelligence projects or applications that have legal significance.
These dynamic and innovative concepts are quite important because of the new challenges and to be able to solve the problems efficiently in social, professional, and productive fields, all the while keeping an absolutely legal and ethical view. It is quite natural for legal firms and workers to wonder and feel overwhelmed by the idea of incorporating technology into day-to-day practice.
However, as a legal service provider, you need to fear the technological wave because it is there to spread. Although, there is a dire need to match up to its pace and learn to ride it skillfully because it is here to enhance your efficiency and make things easy and efficient for you, as a legal service provider, and for your customers as well.