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October 6, 2021This article is about how to create a passive income. The first step is to find a way to make money without having to work for it. There are many ways that you can do this, and we will outline four of the best methods in this article. We’ll also be talking about what you need to know before getting started with any of these strategies so that your chances of success are as high as possible!
Passive income is not the same as working for money
Before you get started, it’s important that you understand something: Passive income is not the same thing as working for money. That sounds like a silly distinction to make in an article about how to create passive income, but if anything can do damage to your motivation and productivity when trying this strategy out, it will be confusion around what constitutes “passive” work versus “work.”
To put it simply (and somewhat crudely), ‘working’ means exchanging time for money while ‘earning’ means receiving some benefit from having done so. You are earning when someone pays you or buys something from you without giving them any good reason at all. They just want your stuff! This may seem like semantics, but one of these things is clearly more passive than the other, right?
To make it even more clear, let’s say that your primary job is to write articles (that seem like they should be interesting enough on their own merits) and then submit them to various online outlets in hopes of getting paid upfront or running ads alongside the content you’ve written. This would also count as passive income because anyone who reads your article doesn’t have much incentive beyond ‘I’m interested in this subject’ but still ends up paying for access by looking at an ad – which counts as payment!
Become an investor
Another way to generate passive income is through investing. This can range from putting your money into a savings account that pays interest at the end of every year, or buying stock in a company and getting dividends as part of their profits. You could even consider taking advantage of credit cards for cash-back rewards, such as those from SoFi, as another way to earn passive income. It all depends on what kind of investment you’re making.
The best thing about this approach is that you don’t have to work for your returns! Once you’ve bought some stocks or invested in real estate through a partner like https://www.mynd.co/, you will start your profit journey – depending mostly upon how well the economy has done since last year (in most cases). If you know anything about economics then maybe this doesn’t seem like such an easy job anymore…and honestly, if someone understands enough about market fluctuations to try speculating with investments rather than going ‘passive’ with a savings account, they should probably be doing the opposite of what we’re suggesting.
Things to be aware of when creating a passive income stream
One is the difference between active and passive work – which we’ve already talked about above! But it’s also worth noting that this distinction isn’t just limited to how much time you spend working on an activity or task involved in earning money. It can apply to any number of situations where you might want something back for what has been done rather than continuing doing more without end.
Two is the idea that there is no such thing as a completely passive income stream. Even though you might not be actively doing anything for an entire year, it’s still true that your business or investments will need to continue working without any care at all from you during this time… and if they don’t then you’ll end up with nothing even after having done everything right!
Finally, something worth considering (which we mentioned earlier) is how much effort it would take to try getting started in another field of work – especially since some can get more difficult once enough people start moving toward them because of increased demand!
Why do I need a diversified portfolio of passive income sources?
The main reason why you need to diversify your portfolio is that it minimizes risk. If all of your eggs are in one basket, then there’s a much greater chance that they’ll get crushed when something bad happens than if you had spread them among multiple baskets! Of course the more sources you add then the harder it becomes for any single investment or source of income to be significant enough so it can pay off without having too little leftover…
Passive income is not the same as working for money. Your passive income stream can be anything from investing in stocks to making YouTube videos or writing e-books on a topic of your choice. Becoming an investor with various assets, either through property investment or by buying shares of companies that are worth following closely, will help you diversify your portfolio and ensure you have multiple streams of revenue coming into your bank account each month.