R (on the application of Friends of the Earth Ltd and others) (Respondents) v Heathrow Airport Ltd (Appellant)
April 16, 2021
What Does A Chapter 7 Mean?
April 17, 2021When Donald Trump tossed his hat into the ring in 2015, the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as it was christened, was on the minds of many voters. Although the ACA ensured that everyone would have health insurance, it imposed a tax penalty on those who did not carry it. Some Americans did not like the idea that it made insurance mandatory. Removing the mandate became a primary goal for the Big Mac enthusiast’s presidential campaign and subsequent administration.
The Trump administration failed to get rid of Obamacare, but they did have a small triumph. As of January 1st, 2019, health insurance is still legally required at a federal level, but there is no longer a penalty if you do not have it. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, the personal injury lawyer may prepare a complaint against the defendant. Injured? Contact NYC Injury Attorneys for a free consultation!
Some states reacted to the ACA penalty reversal by creating laws of their own requiring their citizens to carry insurance. Arizona is not one of those states.
The scepter of American leadership was pried out of Trump’s reluctant paltry paws recently, and it is not unthinkable that the penalty may someday be imposed again.
There are a few helpful facts to know about the history of public health care and the ACA. Even if there is no penalty imposed, the law does make it easier to get health insurance no matter what your situation.
The History of Public Health Care Laws
Discussion of Public Health Care in the United States dates back to the 1800s and an activist named Dorothea Dix.She started the “Asylum Movement” in 1836. When she worked in a prison, she saw the need for separate facilities for mentally ill prisoners and the general population. As a result of the meticulous research that she was to conduct on prison conditions, the state of Massachusetts eventually funded the expansion of its State Mental hospital.
In 1933, President Rosevelt tried to start a universal health care program as an antidote to the Great Depression but was met with opposition from the American Medical Association. Lyndon B. Johnson passed Medicare which is a form of insurance for the elderly and the disabled.
Democrats made many attempts to pass universal health care over the years but were unsuccessful. Finally, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010 by President Obama.
Requirements of the ACA
You must have “minimum essential coverage.” to comply with the ACA. You will find many programs offering minimum essential coverage on healthcare.gov.
If you are over 65 or disabled, you will find that Medicare Insurance in Arizona is offered both through the Medicare office and via private providers who have been approved by Medicare. You must have part A or C, both of which cover hospital stays. Medicaid programs with other than limited coverage plans will also qualify. Student health care plans and those for military service members and peace care workers also qualify.
Types of Insurance that are Not Acceptable
A sparkling smile may help get you a job or a date, but dental insurance alone will not qualify as acceptable ACA coverage, and neither will vision insurance. Worker’s compensation may help you if you take a spill on the job, but it does not qualify as health insurance, according to the ACA.
Law or no law, health insurance is always a good idea. You never know when you might be in an accident or fall ill. American’s may never have socialized medicine, but the trade-off is that we have many options when it comes to health care.
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