Common Cases Handled by a Personal Injury Lawyer
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March 4, 2021After years of study and passing the bar, lawyers have several fields of specialization to choose from. Many are expected to specialize in either Criminal Law or Corporate Law. However, a good number of lawyers also choose to become personal injury lawyers.
Claims and liabilities for personal injuries are governed by tort law and are considered part of Civil Law. This specialization mainly deals with indemnification in cases of defamation, breach of contract, and accidents caused by negligence.
Personal injury lawyers help victims who suffer some kind of injury or damage in various situations. Aside from the cases already mentioned above, personal injury lawyers can also help employees who suffer injuries while at work, persons who get themselves into a slip and fall accident, and victims of animal aggression. If you want to know more about what a personal injury lawyer can do, this source is a very good one you can read.
As you can see, a lot of situations would call for a personal injury lawyer. Hence, there are many reasons why a lawyer would specialize in this field. If you’re curious, this article lists down some of those reasons:
- A Good Choice For Private Practice
Lawyers who would like to establish a private practice would find that specializing in personal injury cases can get the ball rolling for them. Since a lot of circumstances can fall under these claims, a lawyer can find a good number of clients without necessarily joining a law firm.
However, seasoned lawyers would suggest that working as a co-counsel in a law firm first can be beneficial. This is because it’ll help a new lawyer gain experience and establish a name before practicing privately as a personal injury lawyer later on.
- Connections And Prior Experience In The Insurance Industry
Insurance plays a huge part in personal injury claims. For lawyers who have prior experience in the insurance industry, specializing in personal injury claims seems like a natural path to take. Aside from knowing how the industry already works, a lawyer can best prepare for defenses and arguments in cases where insurance refuses to pay up.
A lawyer who has connections in the insurance industry can also confidently handle and demand fair settlements in favor of their client.
- Issues Can Be Settled Outside Of Court
Since personal injury claims are civil in nature, the parties can always choose to amicably settle outside of court. Lawyers who prefer to mediate and reconcile parties to avoid lengthy litigation would find this specialization more fulfilling.
- Advocating For Social And Economic Justice
Specializing in personal injury claims provides opportunities for lawyers to be on the side of the underdog, which some would call ‘lawyering with purpose.’ In workplace accidents, for example, the lawyer can defend an employee against huge corporations and help them get the proper compensation they deserve.
It’s the same with medical malpractice and wrongful deaths where the victim may need to go against more powerful and influential people. Personal injury lawyers can also help initiate class-action lawsuits for defective and harmful products that caused damage and health risks to many people. In other words, lawyers who tend to advocate for the working class and marginalized groups would be drawn to specialize in personal injury claims.
Personal injury lawyers can deal with various kinds of claims and liabilities that usually happen in the daily course of life. They can help demand compensation for victims of vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, breach of contract, defamation, medical malpractice, wrongful deaths, and similar cases.
Since it covers a variety of situations, many lawyers are drawn to specialize in personal injury claims. It’s considered a lucrative field for private practice and a good path for lawyers who have prior experience in the insurance industry. Lawyers who prefer to help victims reach a settlement outside of court or advocate for the well-being of underprivileged groups would also find this specialization worth it.