A discussion on the Future of Law with SmartLex founder and lawyer, Yasemin Yurttas | By Bella Berkpinar
August 7, 2024
How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You After a Collision
August 9, 2024Vehicle collisions could lead to injuries with most motorists being fortunate enough to leave the scene with just a few minor bruises. It’s a different story when a six-wheeler is involved. The size alone can turn these machines into missiles, especially when they reach dangerous speeds of 80mph.
The risk of death and disability is greater when you traverse motorways traversed by ten-ton trucks. No matter how skilled you are, nothing can prepare you for a serious accident either caused by mechanical failure or human error. In both cases, you have a good chance of winning a hefty compensation package, that is unless the truck company refuses to take liability and insurance carriers insist on a smaller payout. To ensure you get the best deal out of a truck accident, here are some things to keep in mind as you file a claim:
1. Gather comprehensive evidence
Regardless of the severity of the accident, your priority is to gather as much evidence as you can. Launching a case requires that you establish who is liable. Quality information is crucial in making it clear that you were not in the wrong.
This information should include the name of the truck driver, the name of the trucking company, as well as the names of nearby witnesses who are eager to give their account of what happened. Other documentary evidence such as photographs and footage captured by nearby CCTV systems can help substantiate your claim and even increase the amount of compensation you deserve.
2. Get treated right away
The fact that you survived a truck accident with only minor lacerations doesn’t automatically mean you’re safe. Pain from most injuries may take some time before manifesting, so you will still need to get checked immediately in the aftermath of the accident. You might not feel whiplash effects right away, but they will occur some weeks after. You may also suffer from emotional effects that can impede the quality of your life. Post-traumatic stress disorder could become a lifelong condition, so getting treated for both physical and emotional damages can increase the chances of winning a truck accident case.
3. Find a specialized lawyer
You can’t represent yourself in a truck accident case and expect good results. The other party may use every legal strategy available to downplay your losses or trick you into settling for an amount that’s lower than the actual value of your claim. It’s always a good idea to find truck crash lawyers who have dealt with similar cases in the past. A personal injury lawyer is capable of representing your interests, but they may lack the knowledge and expertise to deal with cases involving larger vehicles. You’ll get better results from someone who has a good track record of court victories over these types of accidents.
4. Limit your online interactions
As your truck accident claim gains momentum, you need to make sure that you’re not doing anything that will jeopardize your claim. The worst you could do while the proceedings take place is to post incriminating photos of yourself as though the accident left you with minimal injuries. Limiting your social media exposure and consulting with your attorney before taking any risky action can help improve the success rate of your claim.
There’s more you can do to win a truck accident claim, but the guide above is the most basic advice you’d get to come out of a horrific situation with your physical, emotional, and financial health intact.