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April 30, 2022Driving under influence is one of those offenses that can get annoyingly complicated if you do not have the right legal assistance with you. It can lead to fines and penalties and also license suspension if you are not careful and fail to choose the right lawyer. But then how can an attorney make so much difference in your case? Let’s find out:
- He Does Away With All The Negativity
The right legal professional is going to bring in a lot of positivity. You might be thinking that you cannot win your case but this is not the same thought process that your attorney is going to follow. The right way to go is to do proper research and find out the knowledge and experience of the attorney that you want to hire. You will have to be very diligent when hiring the right legal help. Ask them the right questions and if you feel that their attitude is positive, bring them in on your case right away. Needless to mention you will also have to check their qualifications.
- Understanding The Pre-Trial Motion
Another very strong reason to choose a driving under influence attorney is the fact that you cannot prepare your pretrial motion on your own. Every case under the sun must have a pre-trial motion. Only your lawyer can file it for you. It is going to enhance your chances of winning the case. A pretrial motion can help you get your case dismissed or at least any damaging evidence suppressed, if not totally discarded.
- Sobriety Tests Are A Must For Your Case
Your attorney is the only person who can guide you on how to take those sobriety tests. He understands well all the phases of DUI detection. The right legal professional is not going to let anyone play with your future or compromise your chances of winning this case. He will know all the rules and he will make sure that the prosecutor is not able to harass you in the name of processes and protocols that need to be followed for any standardized field sobriety tests. Even if you did not take the breather test that night, it is not going to compromise your case at all. Your lawyer is going to make sure of that.
- Are You Trying To Prove That The Officer Is A Liar?
If you are on that track, your legal counsel is going to stop you from doing that. Once you get a DUI lawyer for your case, he is going to guide you on how to conduct yourself and how it is never in your favor to try to depict the officer as a liar. No doubt that a police officer can make a mistake but it is never a good idea to paint that officer in a bad light and your attorney is going to encourage you never to do that as well.
- Using Expert Witnesses
A dependable DUI attorney is capable of bringing in the most reliable and highly experienced expert witnesses to the stand. Not using one to support your case is never a good idea. The only way to ensure that your case is strengthened in front of the judge and jury members is to use a lawyer who has a good reputation among experts.
Now Let’s Come To A Few Tips That You Must Be Aware Of When Choosing The Right Legal Assistance For Your Case
- Relevant Experience
It is never advised to go for a legal professional who does not have the relevant experience. Someone who has not handled any driving under influence cases in the past is not going to be a good match for you.
- Suitable Knowledge
They must have suitable knowledge. They must keep a folder of all the similar cases with them at all times. They must know what an alcohol breath test is or how blood tests can impact your case. They must be aware of police procedures as well, and the various traffic and motor vehicle laws applicable.
- Adequate Commitment
In the end, what matters the most is that your lawyer is committed to winning your case. It is not just their experience and the fact that they are willing to help but their availability and accessibility as well. These factors are going to matter a lot because at the end of the day if they are not available to hear you out or address your problems and concerns, there is no point in hiring a DUI lawyer in the first place.