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April 20, 2022
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April 23, 2022Deciding to pursue a career in the field of law can be a fascinating and prosperous venture, providing that you excel in the area. Obtaining a law degree can offer individuals many professional opportunities; however, being such an extensive field, it can be challenging for those studying it to determine which legal path they want to major in.
Luckily law schools don’t expect students to have made this decision before enrolling, but it is certainly good practice to brush up your knowledge on the various fields of law before you register. Doing so will broaden your understanding of the different types of law and aid you in deciding which to pursue should you want to branch out in multiple fields or narrow your focus further down your career ladder.
Many inspiring lawyers find that relying on their core values, beliefs, and interests steers them toward the right path in law for them. On the other hand, many prospective lawyers decide based on which field is most popular, most lucrative or what is in demand.
While conducting your research, you’ll probably discover that there are types of law specialism that you might not have considered but should. This article outlines several promising types of law specialism for your consideration – keep reading to discover what they are.
Complex Litigation
Often considered one of the most in-demand, lucrative fields of law, prospective lawyers often overlook complex litigation because it commands those who study it to have much patience and attention to detail. In brief terms, complex litigation refers to a specific type of case that involves large organisations with a team of attorneys working to protect their interests.
Complex litigation is considered one of the more prosperous areas of law due to a large amount of money at stake, motions filed in court, complex law issues, and multiple jurisdictions involved in these types of cases.
The high stakes involved in this field of law can deter potential lawyers, despite how lucrative it is, making complex litigation one of the more under-considered types of law specialism. However, if you consider yourself the kind of person willing to wait lengthy amounts of time for a high payoff, this law pathway could be right for you.
Property Law
Perhaps one of the most popular areas of law for budding lawyers is the field of property law, which covers buying, selling, and using land. It’s also the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership of real and personal property.
In this field of law, you can expect to deal with cases that concern land, property, construction, neighbouring property, construct defects such as improperly installed features, mould, etc. Since property law is constantly in demand, and a widely studied area of law, you may have not looked into it as a pathway to consider.
Studying property law allows you to engage with many different clients, from those who have suffered inadequate quality to those who need clarity on anything else involving property or living conditions. It’ll serve as a gateway into other areas of property law such as professional negligence claims etc.
Providing that you choose to study property law, you’ll find that professional negligence can be quite a prevalent matter, especially when buying, selling, or trading property. For more insight, consider looking at firms that provide specialist professional negligence compensation services, such as the team at Hugh James. Browse their website or follow their blog full of helpful resources about professional negligence claims and more legal-related topics for more information.
Animal Rights
Another field of law that you might not have considered pursuing is animal rights, which is perfect for inspiring lawyers that would prefer to argue for the rights of animals as opposed to people. As animals don’t have a voice to fight for themselves, as an animal rights lawyer, you will work to defend animals that have fallen victim to those who have exploited or harmed them.
As one of your primary objectives, you will also get to work alongside charities, trusts and allies that stand for the rights of animals and work to provide them with better living conditions. Some of your primary duties will include protecting endangered wildlife and domestic animals plus putting a stop to running practices or facilities that operate inhumanely.
Over the past several years, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in people buying, trading, and selling alternate currencies or showing an interest in blockchain, with as many as two million adults in the UK investing in the practice area in 2020.
However, many individuals that invest in bitcoin or blockchain fail to understand the legal ramifications of what they’re investing in. Therefore, this creates a demand for attorneys with knowledge of this topic.
Since blockchain and alternative currencies continue to proliferate, these technologies’ legalities continue to be explored, including public, private, financial, criminal, and regulatory law. Supposing that you can learn to understand these technologies, your services will be in demand in our pro-crypto future.
Employment Law
The area of legal practice named employment or labour law might be a pathway worth considering if you consider yourself a type of person who enjoys fighting for the rights of others and improving relationships between parties. Employment law is compiled of a setlist of rules and regulations that regulate the relationship between workers and employers.
Its purpose is to outline what employees can expect from employers, what employers can ask of employees, and an employee’s rights to work. As a lawyer who specialises in employment law, your job role will focus on mediating the relationship between workers, their employers, trade unions, and the government.
Additionally, you will work with clients to help them resolve any unfair treatment they may have endured within their workplace and provide legal advice concerning their rights while at work. Much like family law, lawyers will face a versatile caseload, ranging from sexual harassment, discrimination, monetary issues, compensation, and much more while working within this sector.
Suppose you consider yourself to be a person who has a sensitive disposition and is well in tune with the feelings and well-being of others. In that case, employment law will be an advantageous pathway for you that you might not have considered previously.
Family Law
Another area of law that is incredibly popular yet overlooked by emerging lawyers is family law, which strives to resolve various relational issues within families. Unfortunately, what deters most emerging lawyers from pursuing a path in family law is the diversity of the field – as you could be assigned a great case or a terrible one.
An attorney that specialises in family law must be prepared to work in an incredibly fast-paced, versatile and, at times, emotional environment. Due to this, you can expect to deal with cases that involve surrogacy, in vitro fertilisation (IVF), adoptions, domestic abuse, child welfare, prenuptial agreements and many more.
Despite being an area of law that can divide most potential lawyers, choosing to embark on a path in family law can reap many professional benefits. You will be providing legal advice and helping someone during one of the most strenuous times of their life. Once cases are wrapped up, you can sleep easy knowing that your services have helped someone through difficult times and provided you with a sense of pride.