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February 1, 2022DISCLAIMER: These books were gifted to and reviewed by Rene McCarthy by ReviseSQE, but Rene was under no obligation to leave a positive review.
About Rene: Rene McCarthy graduated from her LLB Law in 2020. She obtained a number of legal assistant roles leading up to her graduation. Once graduated, she became a litigation file handler assistant at Keoghs LLP. Rene is now a newly recruited Trainee Solicitor Apprentice at Keoghs, whilst studying the SQE prep course at ULaw – with a view to qualifying in 2024.

Rene McCarthy, Trainee Solicitor Apprentice and SQE Student
I am very pleased with how condensed the SQE revision books are. They read really well as they are clear and straight to the point.
I love the tables which set out the key principles, case law and revision points. They have summarised sections such as ‘revision tip’, and ‘must know’ etc; this breaks up the general text and keeps you focused on the key points throughout revising – perfect for understanding the breadth of information required for the course.
I referred to their ‘study tips’ on their website and I am also impressed with their summary flow chart on the best practice to revise for the SQE – which is also referred to at the beginning of each study book!
Overall, I would say that they definitely differ to a general law text book, they read the law in its practical sense and nature, as opposite to academic style. Therefore, I would definitely recommend these books to someone who is wanting to study the SQE.