Interview with Annabel Pemberton, Junior Lawyer at Sparring, Founder of The Wired Wig Podcast and Co-Founder of Law School 2.0
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August 8, 2021Medical errors come third in place in the list of leading causes of death in the United States. People go to doctors expecting to heal, so with medical errors being this frequent, it can be difficult to feel safe attending your appointments, especially if you suffer from something serious. When your doctor fails to handle their responsibility toward you as a patient, you’re definitely going to need help dealing with the consequences. That’s why you must learn about the different types and examples of medical malpractice so that you can protect yourself and those you love. However, despite the frequent use of the term, medical malpractice is often misunderstood as a legal concept. We put together this brief list of medical malpractices that can’t be overlooked, keep reading to find out when you shouldn’t let a medical error slide.
1. Childbirth Mistakes
If a pregnant patient sustains umbilical cord prolapse during the birth of her baby, it can pose serious threats to the life of the newborn if the doctors do not perform a C-section as soon as possible. Sometimes, if the doctor does not realize the seriousness of the situation, the C-section can be delayed, which not only puts the life of the baby at risk but may also result in brain damage.
We used this example specifically to illustrate the major medical malpractice consequences that usually take place in similar childbirth mistakes. In this one, if it can be proved that the doctor’s actions fail to meet the medical standard of care and that there would have likely been no harm to the baby if the procedure had been done sooner, you can file a medical malpractice case and win it.
2. Misdiagnosis of DVT
DVT, or deep vein thrombosis patients in particular, are highly prone to irreversible consequences, sometimes death, as a result of medical malpractice. These patients visit their doctors to complain about swelling and pain in the leg. If a doctor fails to diagnose a case of DVT, the patient’s affected blood clot can get dislodged after a week, leading to pulmonary embolism, sometimes death with some patients. Washington DC misdiagnosis lawyers at https://www.blg-dc.com/medical-malpractice/misdiagnosis-or-delayed-diagnosis/ say these kinds of medical errors often boil down to a case of Battle of Experts unless you work with an experienced lawyer who can build persuasive arguments. Expert misdiagnosis lawyers can easily prove that DVT symptoms are diagnosable during the initial exam compared to more complex symptoms such as those of coronary artery disease.
3. Hospital Infections
Hospitals are the safest place for seriously ill or dangerously injured patients. Medical institutes offer medical staff support and designated equipment that can handle all types of medical emergencies. For this reason, these places are also filled with harmful pathogens that come from either injured patients or ordinary staff members and people moving inside the facility. It should come as no surprise that patients are most susceptible to hospital-associated infections when exposed to the environment of an intensive care unit.
Hospital infections usually occur around 30 days after surgery, 2 days after admission to a hospital, or 3 days following discharge. The types of infections commonly caused by hospitals include surgical site infections, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and central line-associated bloodstream infections. They can be caused by viral, bacterial, or fungal pathogens that occur in hospitals on a regular basis.
4. Errors in Anesthesia
These cases take place when anesthesiologists administer an incorrect dosage of anesthesia to patients undergoing surgeries. This usually leads the patients to develop severe liver damage. Anesthesia errors are considered classic examples of medical negligence due to their frequent occurrence. This makes it difficult for hospitals and anesthesiologists to justify their compliance with the applicable standard of care. While many medical malpractice cases fall within a grey area, this example in particular, is considered obvious negligence from the medical side. This is why anesthesia error cases are easy to win, and it’s guaranteed that you’ll be compensated accordingly. Make sure you consult a misdiagnosis lawyer before filing your case to prepare yourself legally for the process.
Medical malpractices are considered the third leading cause of death in the US. It’s necessary that you educate yourself on the most common types of medical negligence cases to protect yourself and those you care about. Some medical errors are difficult to justify, but this doesn’t mean you should let them slide. In most cases, all you need is an experienced lawyer who worked on resolving the same type of cases before. Get the proper legal help whenever you feel like you’re suffering the consequences of a doctor’s negligence or the medical malpractice of a medical institute.