How To File A Claim For Compensation
March 14, 2021
Clear the Lobby: What laws are MPs voting on this week (w/c 15th March)
March 15, 2021This is for all individuals who reside in South Carolina and have been recently injured on the job. You need to be aware of the law for worker’s compensation benefits, which covers everything including your medical bills and also your lost wages for the days you can’t work.
Every employer in South Carolina needs to have coverage for their employees under section code 42 – 1 – 10, which guarantees compensation for those workers, who are injured on the job. This protects the employees for the losses suffered due to their workplace injuries.
It is not important whether you are a full-time employer or part-time. Both are equally eligible for worker’s compensation act. You can get help from a well-known company named Hawklaw firm, which has the best compensation lawyers. They make sure you get the benefits or in cases when you have trouble with your claim.
Here are some facts that you need to know before you ask for any such claims –
- If you are injured at a workplace, make sure that you report to your employer immediately or within 90 days from the injury. If you fail to do so then you will be disqualified from the worker’s compensation benefits. Your injury might look normal in the beginning, but would turn more serious after some days, especially in case of construction workers who do strenuous work. In such cases, you need to inform immediately to your employer to get those benefits, or else they might be denied.
- One important thing is that when you are injured, you need to visit a doctor that the worker’s compensation insurance company chooses because your insurance will cover all the necessary treatment. You can take a second opinion from another doctor too, but there are chances that the claim will be denied by the WC insurance carrier. This could be frustrating for you because there might be many good doctors working under the worker’s compensation act, but there are some doctors that the insurance companies choose so that they can control these doctor’s treatment. So here your insurance lawyer can help deal with this situation.
- In situations when you are badly injured and are not able to get back to work even after 7 days then you are eligible for a full disability benefit. You will get your entire salary for days you are unable to work. There might be situations where you have returned to work, but not able to fulfill all your duties and responsibilities then you are eligible for a partial disability benefit, where you will be paid some percentage of your wages.
- There might be a time when the situation doesn’t go the way you are expecting such as your employer might refuse to pay you the claim or the insurance company refuses you to pay the money. In such situations, you can file a case against your employer with the help of a good lawyer, but before that make sure you have all the evidence against them to prove your truth.
- Most of the cases would not require any case or hearing because they get sorted at the initial stage itself. Many of the cases are resolved by fixing a meeting in the office or having a mediator, who gets it solved.
The worker’s compensation act should be followed by all the business who has about 4 to more workers. There are certain exceptions for agricultural employees, railroad employees, and employers with very low annual payroll. Also, this is not valid for unpaid volunteers.