Commercial Awareness Update – W/C 19th April 2020
April 20, 2020
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April 20, 2020What are the things you should do to protect yourself and your passengers after a car accident? It can be really hard to think clearly. Since emotions are high, and you might be in a state of trauma, you’re prone to making mistakes that could limit your right to get compensation from the alt-fault party and their insurance company.
By following the proper steps and precautions, however, you can ensure that you get the best possible outcome. Below are the five essential steps you have to take if you were hurt in a serious car accident.
1. Check Yourself For Any Injuries
Stay put in the accident scene for a moment unless your immediate safety gets threatened. Thoroughly examine yourself before doing anything further and see what particular injuries you’ve sustained following the car crash.
Avoid moving and call 911 immediately if you got seriously injured. Wait for the medical personnel to arrive.
2. Check Other Parties For Injuries
The next thing you should do is check on other parties involved in the accident.
Prioritize your passengers after checking yourself. If anyone needs medical attention, seek help immediately. Again, unless immediate safety is threatened, don’t move other parties even if one complains of a hurting neck or is unconscious.
Step out of your vehicle after accounting for yourself and all your passengers. Check on drivers and passengers on the other car(s) this time and make sure that everyone is okay. If anyone has sustained serious injuries, immediately seek medical attention.
3. Exchange Contact Information While Assessing The Scene
Start taking inventory of the accident and take measures to protect your rights after ensuring that everyone is physically safe. The following are the things that you should do:
- Take Pictures – If you have your mobile phone with you and it’s still working, don’t forget to take pictures of the location of the accident. Include debris in the area and, of course, the position of the vehicles. Unless it’s safe to do so, don’t move the cars after taking pictures of them.
- Don’t Admit Wrongdoing – It may seem impolite, but, yes, avoid admitting any wrongdoing related to the accident as it will only hurt your chances of winning if ever the case will end up in court. Never apologize for what happened or admit that it’s your fault. What you can do instead is to express concern and seek medical attention.
- Exchange Information – Talk to other drivers involved in the accident and exchange essential information, such as contact and insurance details. If there will be any claims relating to the car accident, those pieces of information will be vital. At least, get the valid contact details of the other driver(s) even if they don’t have insurance.
Should you be required to pursue litigation, the initial measures above will help increase your chances of getting a favorable outcome.
4. Document The Accident
Following the steps below, when it comes to documenting the accident, will help protect yourself.
- Take Pictures – One way of thoroughly documenting the accident is to take pictures of your car from different angles. Take a picture of the other vehicle, too, to show the damage obtained by both cars. Also, don’t forget to capture the other car’s license plate. These photos are going to be useful, especially when your insurer requires you to share some pictures with them to support your insurance claim.
- Take Down Names – Make sure to write down the other driver’s name, as well as those of all the passengers inside the vehicle with them.
- Talk To Witnesses – Take down both the names and contact information of any witness to the accident. You might need their statements later as the case progresses.
- Identify The Police officers – Get the name of all responding police officers once they arrive. Don’t forget their badge numbers, too.
- Get A Copy Of The Accident Report – The responding police officers will make a report out of the accident. Ask them for a copy of it since your insurer might look for one during the claims process.
5. Inform Your Insurer About The Accident
Your insurance company should promptly be informed that you were involved in a car accident. Tell them the extent of your sustained injuries and let them know the truth about what really happened. Cooperate with them and explain the facts clearly. Always remember that you could get into serious trouble if your insurer finds out that you’re lying to them about the accident. Point out to them who was at fault and who broke what laws by reviewing the copy of the report you’ve obtained from the police officers.
Final Thoughts
After taking the steps discussed above, it’s time to hire a qualified car accident lawyer. You’ll never really know what repercussions could be popping up along the way, even if you believe that the car accident you’ve been involved in was a minor one. Also, since your insurer will look to pay the least possible compensation for you, you need a car accident attorney who can help in protecting your interests and rights in the case. A lawyer ensures that you’re going to get what you truly deserve from your insurance.