Overview of Socio-political Disruptions in China in 2019
September 27, 2019
The Most Diverse Law Firms in 2019
September 30, 2019Welcome to our weekly feature courtesy of Sebastian Salek, the brains behind Clear the Lobby, working to bring you all the laws MPs are voting on this week, and explained in plain English!
Parliament may be sitting again, but things are far from normal in Westminster.
Tory Conference runs until Wednesday, but the government lost a vote to have a short recess, so Conservative MPs will be shuttling up and down the M6 between Manchester and London.
The big piece of legislation this week is the Domestic Abuse Bill. This was one of the draft laws many feared dead, because prorogation usually means any bills that aren’t carried over are lost. But the Supreme Court declared the suspension of Parliament void, so the session continues as if nothing ever happened.
Lots of the other stuff being discussed is uncontroversial, like motions on Northern Ireland and more of the countless statutory instruments that need to be passed before Brexit.
No votes scheduled
No votes scheduled
Public Expenditure and Taxation (Advisory Body) Bill
Creates an independent advisory body to advise on public spending across the UK, including the size of grants given to devolved nations and the resolution of fiscal disputes between regional governments. Ten minute rule motion presented by Jonathan Edwards.
Domestic Abuse Bill – 2nd reading
Applies to: England (part), Wales (part), Scotland (part), Northern Ireland (part)
A wide-ranging bill aiming to tighten the law around domestic abuse. Among other things, it establishes a legal definition for domestic abuse, creates the position of Domestic Abuse Commissioner and bans abusers from cross-examining their victims in family courts.
Draft bill / Government fact sheet
No votes scheduled
No votes scheduled
- Clean Air (No. 2) Bill – goes to 2nd reading
- Compulsory Purchase and Planning Bill – goes to 2nd reading
- European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 6) Bill – the Benn Act, passed into law
- Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Bill – passed into law
- Census (Return Particulars and Removal of Penalties) Bill – committee and remaining stages
- Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill – committee stage and 3rd reading
- Public Expenditure and Taxation (Advisory Body) Bill – ten minute rule motion
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