Passed the bar or LPC? Interned at all the right places? In possession of a glittering resume, filled with outstanding grades and certifications? It’s taken you years to get to this point and you might think that you’re finally ready to step out on your own…But making it within this ruthless industry, might require more than you ever thought.
As a lawyer, your reputation will always proceed you. It must be stellar, robust and most importantly – strong. Not only do you have to work hard to be the best at everything you do, but you need to work even harder to build a reputation that exceeds everything.
Whether you’re a Toronto Disability Lawyer or you’re a personal injury lawyer from Manchester, you need to build on your reputation in order to gain the trust and confidence of any potential clients. So, read on for 4 ways law graduates and junior lawyers can build on their reputation in the law industry.
Always be transparent
Promised something to a client? Deliver it. Even sooner than you said you would. Always maintain your integrity and honesty by following through on every action, notion and promise. If you haven’t already been doing this, then you need to start now. Keep everything confidential (that should go without saying) and apply this private and professional ethos to every aspect of your legal work. Every client you come into contact with should be treated like the most important client in your legal career. Clients should feel confident and safe throughout their case.
Common courtesy is everything
From the moment your law vocation begins, your reputation is building. A faux pas that occurred in law school has the potential to haunt you throughout your career. So, showing common courtesy to everyone you meet, regardless of their role, background or legal standing is of the upmost importance. So say your “good mornings”, your “pleases” and “thank you’s” – believe it or not, first impressions really do count. Remember to smile and be known as the law graduate who is kind, approachable and gets results.
Think before you post
Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing, and social media is probably one of them. As a law professional your social media accounts must reflect your professional reputation. They are an extension of your professional life. Questionable photographs, dubious comments and unprofessional posts can have a real negative effect on your reputation. Not only for prospective clients, but also prospective employers. If you’re hoping to be hired by a law firm, then it’s a good idea to clean up your social media accounts before any potential employers scour them.
Protect your business
A cyber attack could be all it takes to completely destroy your reputation and all your hard work. Hackers are a huge threat and should be treated as such. Data protection is imperative within the law industry, the moment your client’s information and personal details are breeched, then your reputation will be in tatters. Take steps now to secure every laptop, tablet and smart device to preserve your reputation and your clients’ data.