The Future Lawyer Weekly Briefing-w/c 11th October
October 10, 2022
How to Become a Lawyer if It Is Your Dream Job
October 12, 2022Article written by Sathyani Kotakadeniya, law and psychology double degree undergraduate from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia (QUT).
Remove distractions
It is easy to remove distractions from your study space rather than train yourself to study in a room with multiple distractions. So, if you feel that you are more prone to distractions, try adding time limits on social media apps, leaving your phone in another room while you study, and studying at a table rather than on a couch or bed.
Allocate time effectively
Complex unit material will demand more of your time. So, take into account the level of difficulty and importance and plan your study schedule accordingly.
Pay attention to one task at a time
Contrary to popular belief, no matter what your gender, most humans are not effective multitaskers. Although you may argue that you can brush your teeth while listening to a podcast, the situation is different when it comes to complex tasks like studying. Moving back and forth between important tasks will waste time, reduce effectiveness, and may even leave you confused. So, give your undivided attention to one task before moving on to another.
Change subjects every hour
Sometimes it’s easier to waste time when you think you have the whole day to complete one task. To avoid boredom and increase efficiency, try to study a unit one hour at a time with breaks in between.
Make a list of questions you have while studying
Do not wait till after you have studied to start making a list of questions for revision. Note down questions as you learn to save time and increase effectiveness.
Create mental associations
This is an important technique and form of active learning that will allow the brain to connect existing knowledge and new content, aiding recall.
Review the progress you made
Have a system in place to help you effectively review your progress. If you find that you do not know enough about a specific topic in your unit, go back to your notes and reattempt. This will also help you manage stress and build confidence in an exam environment because you have previously exposed yourself to similar material.