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March 29, 2021Estate planning is such an important activity. It can involve all that you have labored for in life and it’s worth giving it the ideal treatment. One way to align things in estate planning is involving an estate planning attorney who is knowledgeable about the regulatory state laws and one who can help you write a good estate planning will and one that can guide you on how to maintain the plan until you are dead. This is how to choose the right estate planning lawyer:
Does He/She Specialize In Estate Planning?
Law is a wide career and just like many other professions like teaching and medicine, lawyers too specialize in different areas of the career. You, therefore, need to choose an attorney that specializes in estate planning as he/she can be knowledgeable about all the steps you need to take to develop a good plan and those you should take to maintain your plan to avoid any inconveniences after your death. Based on the information at https://www.atlantaestatelawcenter.com/, a specialized estate planning attorney should be one that is credible and has long years of experience in helping clients like you. The easiest way to spot one is to ask for recommendations from friends, relatives, and colleagues who have had any experience with estate planning attorneys before. From referrals you can also tell whether the attorney in question offers good services or not based on the customer ratings you will have access to.
You can also check the credibility of your attorney at your respective state bar association and by looking at relevant business rating services. Once you have found one that you feel comfortable working with, you must schedule a consultation with the attorney before you commit to working with him/her. As you meet, ask as many questions as you have regarding estate planning and all the possible shortcomings of the process. Have a notebook so that you note down the responses for later review as this can help you understand the process better. Once comfortable with the responses and experience of the attorney, you can proceed with the planning. It does not hurt to seek a second opinion though. After all, if you have enough time, you can even consult more than three attorneys and settle for the one who is more convincing, one who offered you more satisfactory responses, and one that you are more at home with. Be sure to create a rapport with the attorney you choose as you will have to work on a long-term project with him/her.
What Are His/Her Estate Planning Fees?
Attorneys are also into business as much as they want to help you. Before you commit to working with a certain attorney, enquire about his/her fees. One simple way to tell your attorney is after money is if he/she charges you consultation fees on your first consultation with him/her as you interview him/her to ascertain his/her experience levels, specialization skills, and knowledge. Before you ask your attorney how much he/she charges, understand the market rate of the services you are seeking so that you can have a fee to compare your attorney’s charges with. Inquire whether your attorney charges a flat fee or charges per hour of service. Choose the payment structure that you are more comfortable with. You must remember that these fees are often charged based on the particular estate planning needs you have. For instance, if you are preparing such vital documents as wills, a durable power of attorney, a trust, or, a beneficiary list then an attorney who charges a flat fee would be the most convenient. Simultaneously, if you want your attorney to assist you with ongoing services then one that charges you hourly would be the most suitable. All the same, a flat fee is preferable as it tends to be more affordable than the hourly fees. The attorney fee should also be in line with the size of your estate. Also, note that very low fees charged by an attorney sometimes could mean he/she is inexperienced so choose wisely.
Observe How Your Attorney Answers Your Questions
Estate planning is a long-term engagement and you want to get a good lawyer from the start of the process as changing attorneys as you continue the process can be inconveniencing and can attract extra charges. Besides asking the right question, your attorney should be in a position to adequately answer such questions as how much your estate planning can take including giving you a rough estimate of the number of hours the whole process can take. Your attorney should effectively communicate with you on whether or not you’ll need a trust and give you some options of choosing one. He/she should inform you on how you can avoid probate fees; if you are not careful with such, they can attract some high legal fees. As you ask these questions you will be testing both the communication skills of your attorney and his/her knowledge on different aspects that can be involved in your planning process.
You do not want to take chances with your estate planning process and to avoid this you must choose a credible attorney. Choose an attorney who is knowledgeable about estate planning and specializes in the same. He/she should answer your questions exhaustively to your satisfaction and he/she should charge reasonable fees.