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September 20, 2020Being arrested for DUI/DWI can be a traumatic experience. Thus, when you’re caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Washington, DC, a DUI/DWI charge is one of the serious criminal cases in the U.S. Due to the potential penalties you may face, it’s important to consult a DWI lawyer who can assess your situation and guide you on how to fight your case.
But, if you want a better understanding of the offense, below are the three things you should remember regarding Washington State DWI laws:
- Series Of Tests To Determine Whether You’re Intoxicated While Driving
If you’re arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Washington, DC, you’ll be required to undergo a blood test, take a breathalyzer test, and submit an oral fluid sample. You may also have to perform a series of field sobriety tests to determine whether you’re under the influence of alcohol. This is one of the common requirements under the DWI laws in Washington State.
Moreover, depending on the circumstances of your arrest, you could also be required to take a chemical test, undergo a screening test, and perform physical exams in order to determine your level of impairment. If you refuse to undergo a chemical test, you might be found guilty and could be given a prison sentence or a substantial fine. If you accept a plea bargain and enter into a rehab program, the judge may reduce the amount of time served and jail time.
- Plenty Of Penalties For DUI Charges
The penalties for DUI in Washington can include jail time, fines, and loss of license to drive or be on the road. While not all of these penalties are available for a first offense, many of them do apply to those who have multiple DUI convictions on their record.
First, you should know that if you’re charged with a first offense DUI in Washington state, you’ll be charged with reckless driving. In Washington state, reckless driving is defined as operating a vehicle with ‘recklessness’ and without regard to whether you’re causing an accident or not. This includes not only cars, but also motorcycles and other types of motor vehicles. If convicted of a reckless driving charge, you could receive a fine or up to a year in jail, as well as suspension of your driver’s license. Additionally, you could lose your privilege to drive for one to five years, depending on the charges.
Second, you should know that if you’re charged with second or subsequent offenses for a DUI in Washington, you’ll be charged with a gross misdemeanor. While you may have originally received a misdemeanor citation, you’ll, instead, receive a felony charge. As a result of this charge, you face fines, imprisonment time, and any added penalties that may apply. If convicted of a second DUI in the Washington state, you could also lose your driver’s license. In addition, you could face jail time and other penalties. Therefore, be sure to consult a lawyer if you plan to plead guilty or no contest in your DUI case.
- BAC Limit For Being Charged With DWI
If you’ve been charged with DUI in Washington, you’ve probably wondered what’s the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) limit. Well, the short answer to that question is this: anywhere up to three times the legal limit. But, the long answer to this question is that you can be up to the legal limit or over and above the legal limit, depending on what your state has set as the limit.
In Washington, the limit is 0.08% of alcohol in your blood. However, you may still be charged with DWI even if you have a lower BAC limit under specific circumstances. If you’re operating a commercial truck at the time of your arrest, you can be charged with the offense, even if you have a 0.04% and higher BAC limit. If you’re below 21 years old, you might still be arrested for DWI if your BAC reaches 0.02%.
Why Should You Hire A DWI Lawyer In Washington?
If you want to learn more about the DWI laws in Washington state, hiring a dedicated lawyer can be an option. Unless you’re a legal expert, you need the expertise of a lawyer to handle your case and obtain a favorable outcome for you.
Realistically speaking, most DUI/DWI lawyers have the proper knowledge and experience to provide you with the best legal advice that you need in order to defend your rights. DWI is considered to be a type of crime that involves a person having too much alcohol in their system. By simply looking at the circumstances of your case, they know what you’re facing, how to prepare for it, what to expect from the courts, what your rights are, and what to do about it when arrested. They can also use various tactics to make you look good and present their case in the fairest yet most aggressive way possible. They also know how to apply different legal issues and how to maximize potential benefits.
Indeed, with a little time and the assistance of an experienced lawyer, you can successfully beat your DUI conviction and get on with your life in no time.
Final Thoughts
In Washington, DC, DUI (driving under the influence) is a class A misdemeanor, and an offender faces jail time of up to one year. An accused person can be convicted of the offense even if the other party failed to present sufficient evidence to support the charges against the person. In short, the law is very complex, and it’s important for you to obtain legal counsel to understand the intricacies of the crime, its punishments, and its implications. Additionally, this type of law is constantly changing, and if you don’t keep up to date with the changes, you may face severe penalties.
Therefore, if you want to educate yourself on how to avoid DWI/DUI charges in Washington, keep the points mentioned above in mind and you’ll certainly be in the right direction.