When To Look For A Divorce Lawyer
February 17, 2020
The ICCA Bar Course: Interview with Lynda Gibbs QC (Hon), Dean of the ICCA
February 17, 2020Life in urbanized areas is promising for some people. When it comes to mobility and transportation, pedestrians, commuters, and automobile drivers are provided with better options.
However, accidents are sometimes inevitable and could endanger lives. Motorists, as well as pedestrians who aren’t following road rules, are prone to such threats. Drivers should always follow the laws governing road safety and take necessary precautions to look out and consider other road users.
Also, if you’re a pedestrian, you should be aware of the policies and be mindful of your surroundings when you’re out in the streets. Often, sudden death urges the victim’s family to file cases. In case a pedestrian accident happens, seeking legal advice from a pedestrian accident attorney could help by guiding and informing you of your rights and claims.
To reduce the number of unnecessary tragedies, below is a compilation of the significant causes of pedestrian accidents.
1. Over Speeding
Exceeding the speed limit is regarded as disorderly conduct, and victims struck by swerving automobiles can experience severe serious injury or drop dead.
Driving over the speed limit can cause hundreds of traffic accidents and death. The faster a car goes, the harder it’s shifting course. With that, pedestrian crossings’ standard speed limits are set for the safety of both vehicle drivers and passengers.
So, if you drive a car, don’t drive over the limit. Scrambled driving doesn’t benefit you, other road users, and pedestrians.
2. Disturbed Motorists And Pedestrians
Another probable cause of why pedestrians are involved in accidents is a disturbance. Motorist gets flustered or a road user crosses the highway without focused attention. Having undivided attention while driving is the easiest way of avoiding accidents.
When the driver is doing something while driving, such as chatting, drinking, smoking, or even on a phone call on mobile, they’re at risk of meeting an accident along the way. Their mind and attention weren’t focused on driving, and when short moments that pedestrians waddle out before them, it’s too late to hit the brakes.
As a pedestrian, whenever you walk down a road, remember what you’ve learned as a child in crossing. Stop and watched both sides and once cleared, cross the street.
3. Harsh Weather Conditions
Harsh conditions, such as smoke, mud, fog, or storms brought about by changing weather are often causes of pedestrian accidents. During these conditions, the driver’s visibility is limited and couldn’t see a foot-traveler. Aside from that, braking or stopping on muddy or icy freeways is a bit of a challenge.
With that being said, be vigilant in using the road during inclement weather conditions. The tendencies of the pedestrian-automobile wreck are high at rough weather. Areas that are pedestrian-friendly on moderate climates became a severe risk on rough ones.
4. Hesitation To Stop Or Yield.
At all times, motorists must yield yards away when approaching a heavily trafficked highway or when pedestrians pass by. The driver must carefully yield, stop, or give way, especially on accident-prone areas.
Accidentally hitting people by the road is not something anyone wished to happen. Taking the correct timing to yield or taking a full stop at critical circumstances can be a key to traveling safely—and save lives.
5. Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Or Drugged
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is one of the top causes of road accidents. Traveling rider influenced by liquor or stimulants is a deadly course.
When they’re drunk or high on drugs, they become disoriented, disturbed, unfocused, and are incapacitated of skills and proper functioning.
6. Jaywalking
Pedestrian lanes are designated on the road for a purpose, that is, to allow pedestrians to safely cross the road. Those lines are drawn for safety crossing and not lead people to their demise.
Yet, some people find it hard to follow simple traffic rules and tend to cross on places where it isn’t allowed. Jaywalking is prevalent in cities nowadays and has become a road safety concern since then. In fact, accidents are reported even when pedestrian lanes and alternative walkways are yards away from transport waiting stations.
7. Dangerous Left-Hand Turning
Reckless driving has been one of the reasons for accidents. Specifically, accidents from careless left-hand turning grew rampant and caused grave injuries and even fatal deaths
People tend to use pedestrian crossings and curved walkways because they’re afraid of being hit by vehicles. On the other hand, reckless drivers, sometimes, instantly switch directions without giving proper signals. Therefore, pedestrian accidents happen.
So, the next time you drive, bear in mind to check the surrounding area. Doing so can save a life, which is way more priceless than a slight portion.
8. Careless Car Backing
Violent pedestrian injuries happen even when people are not on the roads. Back driving of cars can cause accidents in parking lots or car parks in residential houses.
Drivers are usually trained to look behind them when backing their cars up. They need to have well-focused attention in maneuvering the vehicle. Most of the time, drivers depend on side mirrors or even pay for dispatchers when leaving parking lots for a safe exit.
9. Conclusion
The loss of innocent life would’ve been preventable in pedestrian accidents if both pedestrians and drivers followed road rules.
Walking may seem an ecologically supportive and healthy way to get back home from where you went, however, it’s essential to be aware of potential road hazards.
It’s in your most significant advantage to talk with a lawyer for pedestrian accidents following any severe accident.