Insights from the Bright Network First Year Lawyers Top 100 Event, 12th September 2018
October 4, 2018
How to be a Memorable Intern
October 16, 2018What is it about the University of London Law Society that makes it wholesome, inclusive, and a great social place?
A system of free membership ensures that participation is incredibly broad, open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Moreover, the intercollegiate nature of the society means that members are able to connect with 18 other London institutions to socialise with like-minded individuals from different backgrounds, both socio-economically and educationally.
In terms of standing out from other law societies, both in London and around the country, Director Dimitris Maroudas has stated that the decision to have free membership reflects the society’s aspirations to make the legal profession more accessible. This allows students to be judged on “merit and not their resources”. That students are able to freely access resources, such as legal events, may bring them one step closer to realising their career goals.
“We promote a legal market where people have access to opportunities not simply based on the fact that they attended X, Y, Z university, but because of their merits and their drive.”
What’s on offer?
We asked the society to sum up the top three things on offer for law students:
Intercollegiate competitions allow students to compete with and meet people from across London. The society offers a range of events that showcase student talent. They also boost one’s confidence in personal abilities, for example mooting, speed mooting, debating, and varsity competitions.
A range of employability events and networking opportunities ensure the society is helping students meet the right people. “Our sponsors and partners are reputable city law firms, chambers and employability organisations,” Dimitris explains. He added that the society will host events such as applications workshops and commercial awareness sessions. There will also be several more that will give members exclusive opportunities.
Lastly, students have the chance to hear various prestigious speakers discuss contemporary legal issues. The previous year they hosted the Shadow Brexit Secretary. He reportedly held a very insightful discussion, at an event which sold out well in advance.
Other positive aspects
When discussing what students love about the society, Dimitris mentioned the social aspect of being a member of an intercollegiate society. Students have the chance to expand their network with people they might have otherwise never met. These may include “individuals with similar career aspirations”. He also added that having a student-led society separate from the law faculty is a positive aspect for many students.
In addition to the careers events already mentioned, the University of London Law Society also organises plenty of opportunities for students to meet legal professionals. This includes, for example, networking opportunities through workshops or dinners with law firms. The society is, however, not only interested in academic occasions or employment benefits – it also runs a social events calendar, which includes a Christmas Ball.
Want to share some information about your society at your university? The Student Lawyer would be proud to support you! Get in touch at: hello@thestudentlawyer.com.