Things for Lawyers: The best bag you can buy
July 17, 2015
Supreme Court Ruling Changes Joint Enterprise Test
February 22, 2016Silver circle firm Ashurst is moving its London office after 30 years of work under its Appold Street roof. Ashurst currently occupies a little over 200,000 sq ft of office space across Broadgate Quarter and Broadwalk House. The new office will be located at 1-10 Brushfield Street in Spitalfields and the move will take place in 2019. This prime new office space, located in London’s Fruit and Wool Exchange is on a 20-year lease and will take up the totality of the aforementioned address.
For the 2014/15 financial year, the firm saw revenues drop by 4% with turnover falling from £568m to £561m. PEP also dropped by 7% from £801,000 to £747,000, However, the move is one of strategic and operational importance for the firm, which seeks to overcome this fall by focusing on areas such as financial services as well as infrastructure.