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December 1, 2021
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December 7, 2021Cycling is a great way to get in shape and save money on gas. It’s also a great way to stay active and be outside, which can have huge benefits for your mental health. However, there are some risks that come with cycling that you should know about before getting started so you can take the proper precautions. Here are 6 things to do when cycling so you can keep yourself safe!
Keep Yourself Safe While Cycling
Cycling is one of the most popular recreational sports in the world, but it does come with its risks. As mentioned on https://www.losangelespersonalinjury.attorney/practice-areas/bicycle-accident-attorney-los-angeles/ it has become a popular form of transportation in Los Angeles for adults and children. However, cyclists are at risk from motorists and should be given great attention when out and about. To keep yourself safe while cycling, be sure to follow these 6 tips:
1. Wear A Helmet
While helmets do not prevent accidents from happening, they can protect your head if you fall and hit the ground. If you are using a bicycle for exercise or transportation purposes, wearing a helmet is one of the most important things to remember as it could save your life!
2. Make Sure Your Bike Is In Good Condition
Make sure your bike is properly tuned up before you start riding. This includes checking the brakes, tire pressure, and other parts as well. If something seems off or broken, do not ride until it has been fixed!
3. Follow Traffic Laws And Cycling On The Correct Side Of The Street
When cycling on the street, it is important to keep to the right of traffic so motorists know what to expect. This also ensures that you have enough room to avoid debris or potholes in the road.
As cyclists, it is important to obey all traffic laws. This means stopping at stop signs and red lights, riding in the same direction as traffic, and using hand signals when turning. If you are not following the law, you could get into trouble with the police!
4. Ensure That You Have Lights
If you are cycling at night or in bad weather conditions, it is important to have both front and rear lights on your bike. This will make you more visible to motorists and help them to avoid hitting you.
Additionally: Make sure your bike is properly fitted to you! Cycling with the correct posture will ensure that there are no issues while out and about. If a part of your body starts hurting or if something seems off, stop what you’re doing right away and give it some time before going back on your bike.
5. Dress For Safety And Travel In Groups When Possible
When cycling, it is important to wear bright colors that will make you more visible. Try wearing neon or reflective clothing that will pop in the street lights and ensure cars can see where you are at all times.
Wearing clothes like this might seem silly but they could save your life!
Cycling in groups is a great way to stay safe while out on the roads. Not only does it make you more visible, but it also makes motorists more aware of your presence. If you are cycling with friends, make sure to stick together and keep an eye on each other!
6. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings And Avoid Distractions
Always be aware of your surroundings, especially when cycling in busy areas. This means being aware of who is around you and what they are doing. If there is a car or truck behind you, move over to the side so it can pass safely. As cyclists, we need to be smart and cautious when out on the roads!
When cycling, it is important to avoid distractions. This means no texting, talking on the phone, or listening to music while you are riding. If you are not paying attention to your surroundings, you could easily get into an accident!
Bonus: Stay Calm
If you are involved in an accident, it is important to stay calm. It can be easy to become angry or frustrated after a crash but getting upset will not help the situation! Remain patient and do your best to get your side of the story across while waiting for police officers and insurance agents.
Cycling is a great way to stay healthy and enjoy the outdoors. However, it can be dangerous if you are not careful or aware of your surroundings. To keep yourself safe while cycling, follow these 6 tips: wear a helmet, make sure your bike is in good condition, follow traffic laws and cycle on the correct side of the street, ensure that you have lights for nighttime riding, dress for safety by wearing bright colors so motorists know where you are at all times, be aware of what’s happening around you including any distraction from technology like phones or music players; avoid distractions when cycling as they could lead to an accident. Finally, stay calm after an accident—you’ll need to speak with police officers and insurance agents who will want information about what happened. By following these six tips, you will ensure that you stay safe while cycling and enjoy the outdoors!